Amid this, filmmakers are said to be in talks with OTT platforms to premiere their ready-to-release films. As per a report in Mid-day, Akshay Kumar is one of the first superstars, who is in talks with studios about releasing his upcoming horror-comedy Laxmmi Bomb directly on the web.
A source told the tabloid that Disney+Hotstar is in talks with the actor to procure the release rights of Laxmmi Bomb, which was slated to hit the big screens on May 22.
Mid-day quoted a source as saying, "Akshay, director Raghava Lawrence and the producers are discussing the offer. There's a lot of post-production work left on the movie, including editing, background music, mixing and VFX. Since the team is working from home, the process is taking longer than usual. However, the makers are hoping to have the film ready by June. Although currently, the lockdown is on till May 3, theatres may continue to remain closed to ensure social distancing. In such a scenario, the team may consider having a direct-to-web release."
The source further added, "Akshay wants to make sure none of the invested parties make losses, and that the movie reaches a wide audience. While Disney+Hotstar ensures a worldwide reach, making the film available across small towns in India will be a concern for them."
Directed by Raghava Lawrence, Laxmmi Bomb is the remake of Tamil hit film, Kanchana. The film also stars Kiara Advani.
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