Dismissing all rumours, Shibhashish Sarkar of Reliance Entertainment, told Bollywood Hungama, "There is no truth to these reports. '83' has been made for the big-screen experience. Right now, there's no intention or interest on the part of the directors or us as producers, to take these films to the small screen.
However, there's a catch. If the condition deteriorates rapidly, the makers may have to evaluate the situation. "If the situation deteriorates rapidly or there is no visibility of normalcy even after six months, we will evaluate then. But right now, we are all quite positive and I foresee that between the next four to six months, cinema halls will start operating. So that's the hope and mindset which we currently have," Sarkar told the media portal.
We are hopeful of the fact that cinema halls may start operating in the next four to six months. As Sarkar mentioned, a film like 83 is meant for a theatrical experience, and we wouldn't really enjoy watching it on our mobile phones. We cannot even imagine watching the Indian Cricket Team lifting the World Cup on a small screen.
Meanwhile, the makers of Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani's Laxmmi Bom have apparently decided to release their film on a popular OTT platform.
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