“The New Mutants”, the beleaguered superhero adventure from Fox, was scheduled for April 3. “Antlers” a sci-fi horror film produced by Guillermo del Toro, was expected to hit the screens on April 17 via Searchlight.
For now, Disney’s “Black Widow” is still expected to hit the theatres on May 1. Since so many big movies are vacating their release dates, Universal’s “Trolls World Tour” is the only film from a major Hollywood studio that’s still opening until May. That could also change if movie theatres are forced to close.
On Thursday, Universal also pushed “Fast 9” back a year, while Paramount indefinitely shelved “A Quiet Place 2”. Earlier this month, James Bond entry “No Time to Die” was delayed from April until November.
Disney spent $200 million to produce “Mulan”. The new version of “Mulan” was made to resonate with moviegoers around the world.
"The New Mutants”, starring Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, also carries a hefty price tag. This is its fifth big screen delay since it was originally intended to release in 2018.
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