Famous Bollywood director Ali Abbas Zafar lately announced the remake of the cult classic film Mr India and since then the director is in news for all wrong reasons. The film is titled as Mr India 2 and this has landed the maker in trouble. Well, Anil Kapoor and Boney Kapoor have yet not reacted on the same but his daughter Sonam Kapoor and filmmaker Shekhar Kapur has objected on the remake.
Veere Di Wedding actor took to her Twitter handle and recently shared her opinion where she wrote that how disrespectful it was that neither the director nor the lead actor i.e Anil Kapoor was consulted before announcing the film. She further added that they all our doing just for a big weekend at the box office.
Not just Sonam even her brother Harshvardhan Kapoor too commented on her tweet and wrote that filmmaking is an art form and the sensitivity towards the artists is diminishing as everything has become money and greed.
Earlier, Shekhar Kapur also took to his Twitter handle and showed his disappointment towards the remake of the film. He wrote, “No one has even asked me or mentioned to me about this film called Mr India 2. I can only guess that they using the title to get a big weekend. For they cannot use the characters/story without permission from the original creators of the film.”
Meanwhile, there were reports that Ali Abbas Zafar who is directing the remake has zeroed upon Ranveer Singh and Shahrukh Khan as his lead wherein we will see Ranveer essaying Mr India’s role while Shah Rukh will play Mokamboo’s role.
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