India's wicketkeeper batsman Rishabh Pant shared some pictures with his rumoured girlfriend Isha Negi on snow capped mountain, sharing a partial view of his new year trip with his fans on his official Instagram handle. "I like me better when I'm with you," Rishabh Pant captioned the photo with an 'orange heart emoji' and a 'man shrugging emoji'. The youngster also posted a picture and a clip from his holiday in his Instagram stories.
The 22-year-old will be seen in action when India host Srl Lanka for a three match T20I series , starting on Sunday.
Isha Negi also took to her Instagram and posted another picture from the vacation, revealing that the couple has completed five years together. "5th year and you sky big bubbie," she captioned the picture with a 'sparkling heart emoji.
Previously, Pant had introduced Isha Negi to his fans on Instagram stating, I just want to make you happy because you are the reason I am so happy", followed by a red heart emoji.
In accordance with Isha’s Instagram bio, she is an entrepreneur and an interior designer.
Isha also went on to share the same image and captioned it, "My man, my soulmate, my best friend, the love of my life. @rishabpant".
Currently, Pant is under fire for his batting and wicket-keeping skills. Chief selector MSK Prasad has stated that Pant will have to work on his skills and that is the reason he will be working under a specialist wicket keeping coach.
"Pant needs to improve his keeping skills. We will have him work under a specialist wicket-keeping coach," Prasad said.
Rishabh Pant, who was not able to make a significant contribution with the bat in the 3rd and final ODI against the West Indies, was at the receiving end once again because of his unmethodical glovework.
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