Inshallah is making headlines ever since Sanjay Leela Bhansali made an announcement and his long-awaited reunion with Salman Khan. But things turned sour soon after SLB announced Inshallah with Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt got shelved. There have been continuous speculations on why Salman had left the film but the most prominent one was that he wanted to make some changes in the script, especially the climax and wanted to make it a potboiler for Eid.
Going by recent report by Mumbai Mirror, an industry insider has revealed that Hrithik Roshan has been approached for Inshallah. Though there is nothing concrete to it as of now, it’s just an approach. Hrithik hasn’t given any confirmation about the reports. But wouldn’t this be nice, if he says yes to it!
If all goes well, we will finally get to see Hrithik and Alia together on silver screen. Hrithik has worked with Bhansali in Guzaarish. On the other hand, Salman has yet not announced his Eid 2020 release but there have been rumours around the corner that it is going to be a franchise. Although Salman tweeted, “The film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali is pushed but I will still see you all on Eid, 2020. Insha-Allah!!”
Further added a tweet that said, “Itna mat sochna mere baare mein, Dil mein aata hoon.. aur Eid pe bhi”. This does ring a bell, isn’t? Kick. Maybe or maybe not!
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