Earlier today, superstar Akshay Kumar was seen in a different role as he interviewed Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The interview comprised of informal and non-political talks, which expectedly grabbed the trolls amidst the heat of 17th Lok Sabha elections. Now, taking a dig on the ‘non-political’ talks, Congress spokesperson slammed Modi with some sarcastic remarks.
Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala quoted, “Akshay Kumarji is a great actor and we like him. He is a very successful actor. An unsuccessful politician who has decimated India’s economy, who has decimated India’s jobs, who has made life hell for India’s farmers and the poor, is now trying to become a better actor than Akshay Kumarji”.
“It seems a failed politician who is about to be rejected on May 23, 2019, is looking for an alternative employment avenue in Bollywood, but I don’t think so, a failed politician like Modiji will be a successful actor in Bollywood. Akshay Kumar will remain Akshay Kumar”, Surjewala adds.
He further made the fun of Modi by stating that he is trying to “become a better actor than Akshay Kumar but he has again failed miserably like he has failed India”.
Actor-turned-author Twinkle Khanna on Wednesday reacting to social media comments on her actor-husband interviewing Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom she has often criticised, said she was rather pleased with the turn of events.
Modi speaking to Akshay Kumar on Tuesday in a “candid and completely non political” conversation took credit for maintaining peace in the Kumar-Khanna household.
Twinkle next day tweeted she was rather pleased as it showed that the Prime Minister was not oblivious to her existence.
In the interview, Modi did not miss the fact that Twinkle has been caustic towards him and said that he keeps a close tab on the social media and follows the couple’s tweet.
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