Bollywood actors Ajay Devgn & Saif Ali Khan are currently gearing up for the shoot of their next – Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior. While our Singham would be seen playing the lead, Tanaji Malusare; Nawab, on the other hand, is reportedly be seen as the antagonist, Udaybhan Rathod. Inevitable as it sounds, action sequences are definitely going to be a part of this historical period drama and the duo will be working with as many as 8 professional stunt artistes for the same!
According to a report by leading daily, mid-day, Ajay who is also producing the movie, has outsourced a special team of 8 international stunt artistes to train them. The lessons will include sword fighting, fencing and horse riding!
A source close to the development revealed, “Since the 2nd schedule involves intense action scenes, a team of stunt trainers will be flown in from Germany to train Saif in sword fighting. He will need to become adept at using a firangi sword, essentially a double-edged sword. He will also brush up on his fencing skills. The team will kick off the lessons with Saif, before moving on to Ajay a few weeks later.”
Reportedly, the gang include super talented artists like the Hunger Games’ Swen Raschka. “The group includes Swen Raschka – who has worked on The Hunger Games series and V For Vendetta (2005) – and Tolga Degirmen, who has been part of Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013).” The piece de resistance will be the Battle of Sinhagad that had Tanaji taking on Rathod’s army. “The climax will be shot only after the two actors master sword fighting,” the source further added.
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