The release date of Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dear Zindagi‘s trailer has been announced. The trailer of this Gauri Shinde directorial is slated to release with Karan Johar’s much awaited movie Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, i.e. in Diwali.
Dear Zindagi is a story of a young girl played by Alia who is an aspiring filmmaker, while Shah Rukh will be playing the role of doctor/therapist in the movie.
The film will also star Ali Zafar, Aditya Roy Kapur and Kunal Kapoor who will be playing Alia’s love interest in different stages of her life.
Dear Zindagi is slated to release on 25th November and will be clashing with Vidya Balan’s Kahaani 2.
Dear Zindagi is a story of a young girl played by Alia who is an aspiring filmmaker, while Shah Rukh will be playing the role of doctor/therapist in the movie.
The film will also star Ali Zafar, Aditya Roy Kapur and Kunal Kapoor who will be playing Alia’s love interest in different stages of her life.
Dear Zindagi is slated to release on 25th November and will be clashing with Vidya Balan’s Kahaani 2.
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