Superstar Rajinikanth’s Tamil action-drama Kabali has smashed the opening weekend records of all Indian films at the overseas box office. The film grossed $11 million (74 crores) in 3 days at the box office.
Kabali surpassed Dhoom 3 ($10.3 million) to become the highest opening weekend grosser at the overseas box office.
It is the 2nd Indian film after Dhoom 3 to gross over $10 million in its opening weekend in the international markets.
Directed by Pa. Ranjith, Kabali also features Radhika Apte, Winston Chao and Dhansika in key roles.
Kabali surpassed Dhoom 3 ($10.3 million) to become the highest opening weekend grosser at the overseas box office.
It is the 2nd Indian film after Dhoom 3 to gross over $10 million in its opening weekend in the international markets.
Directed by Pa. Ranjith, Kabali also features Radhika Apte, Winston Chao and Dhansika in key roles.
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